Saturday, January 16, 2010

Down 1.8 - 5lb sticker!!!

Had no idea what the WW scale would say today, when I stepped on my scale this morning I got readings that said 189 in pajamas and 191 in my nike sweatpants and t-shirt.

I walked to weigh in and when I stood on the scale it was 191.2, down 1.8. For a brief nanosecond I was disappointed as I was kind of hoping for 189. Then I realized the following things:

*Down 1.8 is exactly what I need to be on track to be at goal by July 10
*I would normally be up a couple of pounds this week thanks to the hormone fueled snackapalooza.
*That's 5lbs in two weeks on program. That's half way to 5% off of my body.

Heck I should be doing a happy dance. When Clare handed out the 5lb stars my hand was the first one up to say I get one.

This was a rough week. I was crazy busy all week and a wee bit (some days not so wee bit) stressed. Water was not fantastic and neither was exercise. In all honesty I thought I was hanging on to program by the seat of my pants. Yesterday there was cake in the kitchen, chocolate mocha cake. I shaved off a sliver of that cake and savoured it - then I wrote in my tracker.

The week in review:
Tracking 7/7
Flossing 7/7
Vitamins 7/7
Cardio 3/7
Yoga 1/7
Water - Technically 7/7 but my goal is 2L per day and I got 6 cups.

At the start of today's meeting we had a bit of guest speaker. Darlene who is another WW leader lost 160lbs in 2 years. She told us some tips that kept her on track. This included tracking, making it a priority and moving more.

What really struck me was when she said the key was attitude. I totally believe that. A positive attitude has been my focus for the past few weeks. I have to 100% believe I can do this. This means letting absolutely nothing get in my way.

On Friday as I was leaving a couple of co-workers where saying that Friday is pizza night in their houses. Of course their both skinny but I thought no pizza the day before weigh in. I thought I can have pizza on Saturday.

Today I got some Yves soy pepperoni, a pillsbury pizza crust and I'll make my own pizza tonight and way less points then ordering one. The other thing we talked about in the meeting was staying satisfied.

I'm still focused and I will rock Edmonton this week as well.

I'm wondering how the x-weighted weigh ins will work. The site still says week one. On the show you never see their first week weigh in. There's nothing on the site explaining the weigh in either. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Alright my friends, I'm going to go fill my water bottle. Enjoy your Saturday!
