Friday, December 18, 2009

Wild Ride

I mean food wise, for the past week I've been super busy at work and for the last 4 days have had lunch bought for me as I've been working some co-workers who can expense their meals as there in Calgary this week so they just add my lunch in. Of course my two co-workers are male so the food choices haven't exactly been salads. I haven't been finishing the meals so not sure if that helps.

Between the cookies and gift baskets filled with food arriving at the office it's been a bit wild. Water consumption has been minimal. Don't ya just love Christmas.

I expect the scale will show a gain tomorrow but I'm cool with that. That doesn't mean I'm writing everything off until after Christmas. Oh no getting back on track starts now.

I am again seriously considering going back to meetings after New Year's though. Plus there's usually a promotion in January so perhaps they'll waive the sign up fee. I'm feeling I need the weigh in book, the journal and the meetings again.

I know I waffle on that all the time but we'll see. All I know is that when I went to meetings I had better progress. Lately I've been feeling like a snuffleupagus and I'm not liking that at all.

I do work on Monday and Tuesday and then off on Wednesday until the New Year, but I'll enjoy those couple of days to get sorted at work so that when I come back after Christmas it won't quite as much of a gong show.

I'm feeling very positive about 2010 as I've reached some major goals I had, one being finishing my HR certificate and the other getting the CHRP designation so I'm thinking from now and through 2010 the focus will be on getting healthy.

Alright those are the musings of today. Have a fabulous weekend.


1 comment:

  1. I waffle about the meetings too. I find that they really help keep me accountable. It's not so much that I gain a lot from the meetings but knowing that I have to go face that scale each week really makes me want to be on better behavior. :)
