Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Whacky weather continues

Worked late today and got a ride home but wowsers light snow on top of packed snow made a white knuckle trip going up hills.

To Enz – I am in the field of the CHRP.

So site this week was interesting, when we landed on Monday the pilot said the current temperature was –37C…brrrr. I didn’t want to get off the plane. It did warm up to a balmy –26C.

The next day was worse, at lunch it had to be –40C with the wind as your skin screamed the minute it came in contact. By the time I left it was –20 no wind and you felt like you could take your gloves and toque off.

I had long johns on the entire time. Thankfully I own multiple pairs thanks to half marathon training in the dead of winter a few years back. It did feel like I was wearing snow pants the whole time.

Eating was so so this trip as the cold weather definitely makes you want to eat. It’s like a hibernation thing. Worked late Monday and by the time I got to camp all the treadmills where full so I just went for dinner and to bed.

Due to working late no gym today. Tomorrow is the Christmas party right after work so no gym. Friday we’ll see but apparently the weather is supposed to be super bad again. We can’t catch a break lately. I don’t back to site until the New Year so that means I am in control of my food for the next few weeks. Which means I need to get to a grocery store and not sure when that’s going to happen.

Your up to date on me, hope all of you are doing well.


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