Monday, December 21, 2009

One more day

Until I'm off for Christmas vacation. I had planned to just get organized today like go through my email, clean off my desktop, do anything that could be done early so when I come back on the 4th it will be organized.

Best laid plans I tell ya. I was busy with other people's stuff. One of my co-workers needed help covering another co-worker's stuff and it just seemed like little fire after little fire. When I answered my phone people were surprised I was there. So you were calling me hoping to get the message?

I swear tomorrow I'm not answering the phone and closing the door. Because the day was busy I had no desire to hit the to-do list at home. There is stuff I need to do before leaving on Wednesday afternoon. Right now I have no desire.

The good thing about leaving it for tomorrow is that it will have to be done. No excuses. I don't need to leave until 1pm ish on Wednesday so I'd like to get all the chores done Thursday night so I can zip to Sport Check in the morning (right when they open) to pick up a pair of sweat pants.

I did find an unbelievably good little snack today. I hit the Yogen Fruz and got a small non fat Key Lime Pie. OMG it was yummy even with it snowing outside.

I'm so psyched about rejoining WW meetings when I return from my Dad's and then a week after that is the X-Weighted challenge. I'm feeling good my friends.

I will post again before I leave so I'll save my holiday greetings for then.


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