Sunday, November 29, 2009

Not one flex point for the first time…ever?

My mission yesterday was to stay focused and I happily report I did. I stuck to points, I tracked everything and I drank just over 2L of water. I didn’t use a single flex point which is my normal (we’re talking years) habit.

I weighed myself this morning and it said down a 1lb, definitely in the right direction but the true test is Saturday.

I did feel snacky last night and my witching hour is usually after supper. So when I felt the urge I distracted myself with a facial. I exfoliated, used a mask, a serum and moisturized. I also painted my toe nails.

Now I can’t give myself a facial every day but I thought it was a good start. I can change my nail colour frequently though.

I’m just passed the introduction of the Beck philosophy in the book, I think I hit my first activity today.

Writing this Windows Live Writer today, I keep hearing about it so I thought I’d try it. Which means I’ll have to add more pictures as apparently it’s way easier using live writer.

The Nike sensor and I will be calibrating it on our way to the grocery store and then I’ll head out for a longer walk later. It’s supposed to be 10 degrees today. I must enjoy it while it lasts.

Might be back later.


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