Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have to learn to rely on me

So after much thought I decided to keep going with WW online, I'm not ruling out never going back to meetings but I need to be accountable to myself as that is what's going to get me through life. Only I can decide how much effort I'm going to put into this. I realized I do have support like the meetings it's all in you - my blogger friends.

This Saturday will by my 2nd weigh in since I started my restart so I have to give myself a little more time before I get too hard on myself. I think I was starting to get a little worried with all the holiday stuff going up everywhere. This is a challenging time going from Halloween smack into Christmas food wise.

Alas I did head outside today as I needed to pick up cupcake ingredients for a Silpada party I'm going to on Sunday. I decided to walk to my local mall and back again. Also picked up a pair of new Nike sweat pants as my old ones are in bad shape. I'm going to roll out the yoga mat in a little while as it's been ages since I've been on the mat.

After watching Biggest Loser last night I'm happy Shay went home. Yes being the largest woman to date she needs help and I truly hope she finds it at home. The crying every single episode was getting irritating. I'm dead curious as to why they didn't show an "after" picture for her and they did for Daniel. It will be interesting to see what happens now as the "old" people greatly out number the "young" people. Amanda and Rebecca's days could be numbered.

Alright my friends that's all I got for today.


1 comment:

  1. I think it's because it's so close to the end (finale in Dec) that they want it to be a suprise how well she's done. Or not done.

    That's my theory.
