Saturday, November 14, 2009

Catching Up

So after my morning weigh in post I got myself together and headed down to the grocery store. I have this idea of creating healthier versions of the foods I love a.k.a foods that blow my points.

I've spoken before of my love for Liberte Moka yogurt but at 6pts per servings it's dangerous. I was thinking of Angie's experiments in making greek style yogurt from regular yogurt. So I picked up some Source Natural Plain yogurt and I'll attempt to recreate her experiment by letting it drain slowly in the fridge. She uses coffee filters in a mesh strainer. I have cone coffee filters so not quite right, however I own cheesecloth so that might work. Then the next trick will be trying to re-create the moka part. I have some ideas like a bit of chocolate syrup with a little instant coffee...we'll see what happens. I'll keep you posted on that one.

Of course I walked to and from the grocery store. I had to get home to make the cupcakes for tomorrow. My house now smells like chocolate as I baked 24 chocolate cupcakes. I'm not sure if I'll make the strawberry buttercream tonight or tomorrow morning. I can't do anything until the cupcakes are cool at any rate.

Then I decided to tweak my blog a bit and start using the "follow" function. Normally I track all my blogs on bloglines but I'm liking the one stop shopping idea of doing it via the blog. I'm totally amazed that 44 people follow me so I decided to share the love. I'm working through my list to follow them and of course that leads me to lists on other blogs. It's an ongoing process I must say. At one point I was following myself - fixed that. I'm finding amazing people out there and it's really mind blowing that we all have so much support.

So many inspiring stories out there and people all with the same mission.

That's all I got, hope you enjoyed your Saturday.


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