Sunday, November 08, 2009

6.5 km and 411 calories burned


Dad left early as always so after doing one load of laundry I decided to get my little cardio game plan in action. The sun was shining and it was a breezy 0 degrees but I headed out for a walk. I strapped on the Garmin and immediately put the sleeve of my hoody over it. I didn't want to look at it but I wanted to see the end result.

I just walked, I did my normal 5k route and decided to add a few blocks on so I knew I would hit a minimum of 60min. I love fall, the air was crisp not cold and the rustle of leaves provided a nice back drop. It was about 10:15am when I headed out and I ran into very few people so it was just me and the world.

I definitely want to take advantage of the chinook (and not so freezing temperatures) and go outside while I still can. Tomorrow I'll go to the company gym as my motivation has a tendency to die when I get home from a day at work.

I haven't done any formal exercise since I had the flu a few weeks back so I'm impressed that I really enjoyed myself and didn't at any time think "enough I want to go home".

I actually remembered to stretch afterwards and did so on my front porch. After a warm bath I made my turkey burgers for lunch next week. The second load of laundry is now in the drier.

Yesterday I picked up a box of All Bran chewy cereal bars, these ones are Dark Chocolate Chip. They clock in at 2pts which is a reasonable with 6g of Fibre for mid morning snack and I'll test them out tomorrow.

I think Pillar's is sneaky. I found the other turkey bites yesterday in a small more expensive different package with the word lean stamped on it. They are 50 calories as opposed to other version which looks like the old packaging that are 70 calories. I think they got wind of the WW following.

Tomorrow I will attempt day one of the C25K. I've been meaning to forever and then travel and the flu got in the way. I need to get this goal of actually running the half marathon in May on the road.

I downloaded a Women's Health app onto my ipod a little while ago which has a combination of different weight workouts. Again this week is all about the cardio. I need to take this one week at a time. Historically if I make too grand of plans of what I'm going to do, I bail.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, until tomorrow...Hugs!!!!

1 comment:

  1. It is a beautiful time of year and I love it :-)

    Great job on the 5K +!
