Monday, October 12, 2009

My Trip part 2- Halifax

The story continues, we left Montreal on Wednesday and when we got to the airport there were messages saying there was an emergency drill scheduled for 10am. That was in about 15min. My co-workers went off to Westjet and I went to Air Canada. I was just about to walk up and get my boarding pass and these alarms start going off signaling the start of the drill. Everyone in the airport had to exit and head into the parking garage. My flight was an hour later than the boys so I had time, they didn't. The minute the drill they had to hurry.

As I was waiting by my gate it all of a sudden started to pour rain, luckily that didn't happen during the drill.

The flight into Halifax was gorgeous. The colours of the trees were truly amazing all these reds, yellows and oranges. Now we have trees in Alberta of course but I've never seen the colours quite that vibrant.

When I got off the plane it was raining and by the time I got to the hotel it was still raining. I touched base with the boys and everyone was super tired so it was decided we were on our own Wednesday night. I attempted to look around but the wind and the rain soon forced me back in side and I ordered room service.

The pictures above were the view out my window the next morning. I gigantic Crown Princess cruise ship. Later on in the day I took a walk along the boardwalk and got a picture of the front of the boat, see how it dwarfs that building. This thing was massive. On the boardwalk I got high fived by someone dressed as a lobster. We had all seperated to do some shopping before dinner and I bought a hoody at Lululemon. The boys then made a bit fun of me and the fact that I paid provincial sales tax. I just said I was stimulating the economy of Halifax. I now get what all the fuss is about those hoodys, it's thicker than a regular hoody and super comfortable.

We went to the 5 Fishermen for a work event dinner on Thursday and I actually ordered fish, I don't eat a lot of fish in my general diet and if do it's frozen and breaded, so that was a big step for me. I did ask the server what was best for non-fish eaters. She suggested the halibut, it was awesome.

For lunch on both days we headed over to Pete's Frootique. I remember Pete from the CBC noon news where he's introduce the nation to different fruit and veggies, so I was totally geeked to go there.

Later on I was stopped and asked for directions and totally honoured that someone that I lived there.

Friday was our last night and we were done work. Again we all finished our shopping. I needed an extra bag due to the books I bought and I had collected some extra clothes that the boys brought me baring our company logo. So I returned to Lululemon and caught a canvas bag, an gym towel and a neat glass togo container with a strainer for tea. Again stimulating the Halifax economy. We then went to the tour at Alexander Keith's Brewery - very cute and it was just the three of us. I can imagine it to be even more of a hoot with a bigger crowd. We then had dinner at the Red Stag pub next door and closed the place down. I was drinking Keith's white and it was awesome.

We then headed to the Lower Deck which totally reminded me of the Ship n' Anchor in Calgary but it was definitely a wee bit different. One the maritime decorating and the cry of "Sociable" and everyone clinking their beer mugs (a number of times). I sang along and switched to Keith's Red. We closed that place down too and it was now 1:30am. The boys wanted to hit another pub and I decided to go back to the hotel. I did not want to be stupid tired on the way home the next day as I had a 6hr journey.

Saturday morning I woke up early with the intention to do more exploring before I had to leave but once again it was pouring so I packed and had breakfast in the hotel.

What I loved about Halifax were the people (super friendly), the water (OMG the humidity had me melting the first day but I grew to love that I didn't need to put on moisturizer and the history. Everyday I passed a cemetery were I was told Titanic victims were buried (that's the pick with the Lion sculpture), and there was this gorgeous church on Spring Garden Rd that apparently was once a fortress somewhere else.

It was quite interesting that you could buy fresh lobster and other sea food at the airport.

I would move there too in a heartbeat if I was transferred. I need to go back to fully explore this place too.

Trip home was uneventful with a lot of people coughing on the plane. I watched Terminator Salvation and the Coco avant Chanel. The minute we landed I could feel all the moisture sucked out of me as I walked into the dry air of Calgary. It was -7 and windy so definitely chilly.

Saturday I attemped to sleep in and woke up at 6:30am (well 9:30am Halifax time) and as the day progressed I felt a cold coming on. So I've just layed low consuming liquids. I feel better today so I just thing it's a wee cold.

That's all I got for now, back to work tomorrow.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you liked here! Too bad about the finally got good on Sunday and yesterday, but the cold has definitely arrived.

    Can't believe we missed you. I think you were one step behind our group the whole time. We probably passed each other on the street!

    Take care of yourself.
