Saturday, October 03, 2009

Day 26 - Test is done and now I wait

Results should be out around Dec. 3rd. Why it takes them two months to mark tests that are fed into a computer escapes me. Saw a load of people from my company there, I knew a few of them were taking one of the two tests but I was surprised at how many there were. We should get them to let us write it in a boardroom therefore no need to schlep oneself to the University of Calgary at 8am in cold damp weather.

As far as the test went, I feel o.k - have no idea which way it went so we'll wait and see. This is exactly how I felt last time so that's not so bad.

Zipped downtown to pick up a couple of things and then straight back home to straighten up and start packing. At this time tomorrow I'll be in Montreal for 2 whole hours....yippee! I needed to buy an umbrella as I could not find one in my house, of course I get home and immediately find one that I left in a purse I haven't used in awhile - of course.

Camera is charged, cell phone is charging and blackberry is up next. (I'm brining the cell as that's usually the emergency contact number I have) I'm happy I decided not to bring my work computer, one less thing to lug.

So it will be about a 3AM wake up call pour moi tomorrow and I'll pre call a cab for around 4am. It's a 6am departure. I'm a rather be early than right on time type of person. So if I have to hang out in an airport for 90min it doesn't bother me. Thank goodness I'm a pro at sleeping on planes, loads of practice from going to site every week.

Saw today that the new Holt Renfrew opens on Oct.7th, I will definitely have to check that out as it's huge and looking awfully pretty on the outside.

I'm ordering pizza for dinner so there's no dishes nor pots that need to be cleaned as I'm also planning an early night.

So I won't be blogging but I'm taking loads of pictures to share with you when I get back.

I wish you all a fabulous week and I look forward to catching up on your blogs.


1 comment:

  1. Ohmigosh, I think you will absolutely LOVE Montreal! It's such a gorgeous, romantic city. Very lovely. And I've never been to Halifax but I hear it's a lot of fun! Hope you have a safe and amazing trip, can't wait to see the photos! XO
