Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day 15 - Going East

I'm psyched! The week before Thanksgiving (CDN) I get to go to Montreal and Halifax. I've never been further east than Toronto. It's a work trip as I'm covering for someone else, but I'm still looking forward to it.

I love travel and being single with no kids it's no real problem for me.

In Montreal I'm so getting to a bookstore to pick up french books. I need to keep my language skills up and some of them are getting a wee bit fuzzy. Refreshing my french is a priority as I can also use that at work. German and Russian are the next projects.

I'll be happy when my NPPA test is done as then I can focus a bit more on that.

Food wise doing well today and on plan. I packed a gym bag but came home instead thinking the weather is so nice and then I wilted on the bus home. OMG it's hot out there and plus 30 is expected for tomorrow. So yoga it is tonight, return to an air conditioned treadmill tomorrow.

First I'm going to watch Biggest Loser (I heart Canadian time shifting).



  1. Halifax?!! Will you have time for a blogger meet up? :)

  2. Woohoo! Talk about TIMING! I hope you'll join us on Thursday night! Possible???
