Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Yet another suprise day off

Yesterday afternoon it was decided that I could take today off as my area wouldn't be too busy today - I have no idea if another will happen and I will most likely be working the weekend again.

This project will end but I've met so many great people that it will be a bit sad when we all go back to our normal jobs.

My friend's birthday dinner didn't happen as she was off by 2:30pm and I had no idea when I'd be done. It turned into an 11 hour day for me and by the end I had no desire to go home and make dinner. Instead I tagged along with two of my out of town co-workers and we went to the Keg for dinner. Yeah, not so point friendly at all and the Pina Colada (it was very good) I had probably didn't help but it was just one of those days my friends. I was tired and hungry and that given moment I couldn't give a flying fig about points. I had a lovely time with them.

Of course today that's a totally different story and I'm focusing on water and planning a lower point day to compensate for yesterday. I've already been to the grocery store and soon I will clean my house. Some other activity will be a part of today and it's a debate between a walk outside or some pilates/yoga.

I discoverd some new varieties of single serving Kraft Dinner today. (At Walmart for 97 cents each) I picked up Szechwan Spicy (5pt), Extreme Pizza (4pts) and Alfredo (4pts). I had the Szechwan for lunch and it was good and definitely had a bit of a kick. I paired that with some frozen organic peas and a small banana. KD might not be the most nutritional option out there but 3min in the microwave could help those days when I'm to tired to make dinner. I also picked up the waffles that Angie (found in the organic freezer section of my Safeway) was talking about the other day (2 for 3pts) that's not so bad and 4g of fibre. They must have had about 6 different varieties of waffles but these were the Pomegran Plus variety.

So far today I've used 10.5pts. So plenty of options for a pm snack and dinner.

I changed my goal tracker to include my original starting weight when I first joined WW. It's been a long journey but I've never gone back to that number but I still think it's important to recognize where I started.

Have a groovy day!



  1. I *just* saw this KD dinners in Loblaws today too!! I picked up white cheddar and the szechuan one. Glad you are liking them, I was a bit iffy on them but the price was right so I thought I'd try them.

    I will probably have one for lunch tomorrow.


  2. where did you get the flavoured KD?
