Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where does the time go?

My day thus far:
Woke up and sorted laundry so got that going
Printed stuff for my friend who's printer is being stupid. Ran into issues when one document wouldn't print but fixed that.
Then headed outside and mowed jungle lawn, I was sweating by the end I tell ya. This was followed by more yard work.
Came inside had lunch and then started tidying up

It's now 3pm and the gym is closed. Oh well I think I got a real life workout in and there still may be yoga. I have to be up at 3:30am tomorrow so I am planning an early night.

Tracked everything thus far on Daily Plate. What I love about this program is that you can see everything like the percentage of carbs, protein and fat you've had in a day. You can also add new foods by plunking in the nutritional information.

I was thinking about rejoining a ww meeting but I think I'll give a very conscious effort to tracking on this and see how it goes. It's free which is the major motivator. It's not like WW will be far from my mind.

I'm packing gym clothes for site as I must get in a workout to keep the momentum going, then it will be a cardio workout on Wednesday and trainer on Thursday. I'm also bringing a little notebook to write down everything I eat. So far a challenge has been tracking while at site and that's two whole days of my week.

The following Thursday I can't make it to training as I'll be in Fort Mac. Thankfully I have a whole bunch of homework workouts that trainer has supplied so I just need to pick one.

Alright my friends that's it for me today.


1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Candace-Ann from spud! here!

    Thanks so much for the great blog recognition!

    Call me and I have a surprise for you!

    Thanks Again!
