Thursday, May 21, 2009

That was quite the landing

Back in the city from two days at camp and I'm happy to be home.
I like going to site but I also very much enjoy returning to the creature comforts of home.
Tracking got off track a little but I'll punch it in to keep on track.

Impressed people on the way to site this morning with the Classic app on my Itouch.

So the plane landed in Edmonton first before continuing on to Calgary and holy mackeral that was quite the landing. It was very much a kerplunk type of landing. Many people were sleeping and woke up with a start.

The landing in Calgary went slightly better but not up to their usual performance.

My two workshops went well but man I was crazy busy today. Tomorrow will be my catch up day.

Then it's back to site on Monday. Next week I'm taking Friday off so the week will fly by.

This weekend I'm finally going to see Star Trek and I should also play sprinkler olympics (move sprinkler without turning it off while avoiding get drenched).

A package has arrived that I need to pick up tomorrow. I'm thinking it's either Body Shop or Amazon.

We shall see.

Alright kids, I'm grabbing something to eat and then it's an early night for me. I'm knackered.


1 comment:

  1. LOL I play sprinkler aerobics too. :)

    Sounds like an interesting landing! Wow. Kind of scary actually.
