Saturday, May 16, 2009

Best laid plans

So my intention today was to head up to Sunridge Mall to go to the Body Shop. I figured Chinook would a zoo and this would be a calmer choice. So I head downtown and go to the 10th st C-train station. It's closed, alright so I walk along to the next station which is 8th St and it's closed. They were telling people to get on shuttle buses.

Great, so I head to a shuttle bus and it's one of the double buses. It's crammed full of people. At that moment I said forget it. The mass of humanity on that bus was not so appealing.

So instead I wandered over to MEC got a black Nike running cap and then went home. I then ordered what I wanted from the Body Shop online. It was worth the $5 shipping.

Yesterday I noticed the station in front of TD Square was gone. I think I'll be avoiding the train until they get themselves sorted out.

Found a new app for my Ipod Touch. It's called Livestrong and it's based on the philosophies of Lance Armstrong. The app tracks your weight, your goal (i.e. how much you want to lose a week), your details (weight and gender) and assigns you calories per day. Then on my ipod I can enter what I eat and Daily Plate tracks my calories. It syncs with the website so it tracks on there too. It also tracks calories burned when you exercise.

I'm impressed so far it was easy to find everything I ate today. I was surprised that I had 500 calories to spare when I thought I was done for the day. This leads me to believe I might be totally maintaining or causing my body to think it needs to hang on the fat. I'm going to keep trying this and see how it goes. Of course my good old WW tracking has not been going well at all. Maybe if all I need to say is what I'm eating and the program inputs the calories it might go better.

I also downloaded the Classics app as I will now never be stuck without something to read while waiting in airports. I'm impressed with the seletions. I was intrigued seeing it in the commercial and it's on sale right now.

Apart from that totally slept in plus had an afternoon nap. I just feel like taking a break today. Watched Bride Wars on shaw on demand. It's alright.

Tomorrow I'll head to the grocery store and do yard work. That might be my workout this week. I'll check the gym hours for Monday to see if they're even open.

On Tuesday I think I'll check out the gym in my work building and try the fancy treadmills.

I was debating ordering pizza when I talked myself out of it. So yeah for me.

Have a great evening.


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