Friday, April 03, 2009

Not as bad as I thought

I woke up this morning hella sore in my right hamstring, no lingering soreness with the left. So at least I know it was only one hamstring that caused my melt down.

I booked a massage for Saturday and tossed in a pedicure because dang it I'm worth it.

Tomorrow morning I'll do my grocery shop and load up on healthy options for home and healthy snacks for work. I'll get bananas - need that potassium. I need to get my act together and stop buying lunch.

I really need to get studying for the NKE I'm writing it once again on May 2nd. I know more than last year including what the test looks like so I'm feeling positive.

Plus usual weekend routine i.e laundry and cleaning house.

Ran into one my workout buddies and I guess Trainer told her that I had an incident at the gym. She told me his face was sad. Perhaps he'll treat me with kid gloves on Monday.

Last class for my university class is Tuesday, next one starts the 21st and when that's done I'm done. The certificate is finally finished. I'm bound and determined to have that CHRP designation by the end this year.

Alright kids, I'm tired and have nothing else to tell you so stay tuned tomorrow for tales of the spa.

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