Monday, April 13, 2009

Lazy Day

When I first started working for my new company and received the elusive flex days I often saw people tag one onto a long weekend and I'm so happy I did it this time. It's nice to just have one extra day.

I didn't go to Spa Lady today and decided to stay home and just chill. Well chill and get things done. The mat is rolled out for a practice today on my own.

Did my taxes today in decent time and that was with multiple T4s. I love, it uploaded like a dream to netfile and tada I'm done. I get money back too. I really don't mind paying $16 bucks for no stress.

Made strawberry buttercream for the chocolate cupcakes I baked yesterday. I kind made up the recipe as I went and used less sugar than my St.Patrick's day icing. It's got a hint of strawberry flavour with my pureed strawberries acting as the liquid as opposed to milk or water. It's also a fluffier texture. Now hopefully it doesn't seperate over night.

Now I'm trying to finish my paper due Tuesday and keep coming up with wacky percentages but I see no way around it. I'm thinking if I can defend my wacky percentages I'll be good to go.

Have an elluminate session tonight at 6:45pm and then get this paper in and I'm officially done with this class.

This morning I reset my weigh in on as I haven't been the greatest at following the program lately. Yes I am one those people who do killer workouts at the gym and not lose a pound. Well that's because I'm not tracking anything. Today I started tracking and like that they added a measurement tracker on planner as well. The good news is I stayed steady.

8 sessions left with trainer so that's about 4 weeks and then it's up to me. I'm definitely stronger I was flinging a 20lb bag of potatoes around like it was nothing at the grocery store. Booyah!

I do find it easier to get moving with the weather being nicer. Far easier to walk outside or go to the gym when there's not 2 feet of snow. I'm handing in my corporate gym membership paper work tomorrow. I'm thinking it will be fairly empty after work as it seems most people go at lunch.

Alright my friends, tomorrow I bring you another edition of trainer workout.


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