Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's sort of like a blizzard

It's snowing. I will not complain about the weather, I'm tired of people complaining about the weather. This is southern Alberta you can get all 4 seasons in one day. I say this stuff saves me money on my water bill as it will hydrate the new grass that's growing.

However being a native Albertan I also know the more goofy the winter/ early spring the nicer the summer/ fall is. I learned a long time ago to not plant any flowers until after May 21.

I did hit the grocery store today and got the fixin's for turkey burgers. This will be work lunch in a 100% whole wheat pita. I saw this recipe on some bbq show but he put slivered almonds in the turkey burger. It's a nice twist and gives the turkey some oommpff. I also picked up yogurt and bananas as my morning snack, turkey burgers with cucumber slices and tomatoes on the side for lunch and the pre workout snack will be an Almond sweet and salty granola bar. Got a little creative wiht the spice rack in seasoning the burgers (cumin,basil, marjoram)but they smell good. Thursday I'll be in Fort Mac so probably buy lunch and I took the day off on Friday.

I managed to leave the grocery store with no unplanned purchases.

Then I came home and did a practice exam, didn't do so well but that's o.k it's a practice exam. I'd rather do poorly on the practice and review my errors so on the real thing I don't make the same mistakes. This test is a tricky thing as it can usually gets you in the phrasing of the question. If you pay attention and think about it the right answer is usually not that hard to find. I also found I over thought things as my first instinct was the right answer but then I doubted myself and changed it.

I just need to be calm, cool, confident and collected come exam time Saturday morning.

Tomorrow I will bring you another workout from trainer, Thursay wasn't heavy weights just lots of repitition. I get the feeling will be lifting some heavier weights tomorrow. Tuesday I have yoga and Wednesday I'll do cardio. I think I need to switch it up on the cardio front like maybe 20min treadmill, 20 min bike and 20 min something else. Smaller blocks therefore no boredom.

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend until tomorrow.


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