Friday, April 17, 2009

Is it sad that I'm tired after 4 days of work?

So technically I've had two 4 day weeks back to back but to compare me to all my co-workers who worked 5 there's no difference. We all had the glassy eyed, just let this day be over look on our faces.

Got the syllabus for my new course starting Tuesday and the first assignment is due the day of the giant test...eek. My weekend is completely dedicated to studying with the exception of some brief breaks for groceries and walks.

The group went to Juan's for lunch today (traditional mexican food), so I don't think I managed to land an OP day. I'm not remotely hungry now so I'll let my body tell me if it wants dinner. It was super nice lunch though we laughed a lot.

My inner geek is uber excited about the pending Wolverine and Star Trek movie. Wolverine comes out May 1 so I'm thinking that after I write the giant test on the 2nd I way treat myself to a matinee.

Alright nothing remotely interesting to say today, hopefully that will change.



  1. I know exactly what you mean. I attribute it to packing SO much in on the long weekend, we tucker ourselves out more so than we would on an average weekend.

  2. I saw the new Star Trek trailer and I think it will be like no Star Trek we've ever seen - I'm beside myself that we have to wait.

    Juan's for lunch - I'm so jealous - I quite like their I'm in the mood for Mexican!
