Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I bench pressed 60lbs

Remember when I complained about 20lbs?

Mind you I was into the 3rd rep when I asked how much the weight was. This was my third set of bench presses the first two were 50lbs, so being able to squeek out 10 with 60lbs was a major victory.

Let me start with the workout.
Regular warm up.

Alternate the following pairs 3 times.
Deadlifts - do 10, do 8, do 6 - 80lbs
Push ups- as many as you can to exhaustion - 3 times

Chin Ups - do 21, do 15, do 9
Dumbell Thruster - 35lbs - do 21, do 15, do 9

Dumbell swings - 20lbs - do 21, do 15, do 9
Squats- do 21, do 15, do 9

Sit Ups
Box Jumps same amount as above

Then we did the Tabata workout - as many as you can in 30 seconds, 10 second rest

Skull Crushers - 18lbs
Sit Ups (new style)
Bicep curls - 18lbs

After workout I went a picked up my new H2O mop. OMG this thing is awesome. I mopped my kitchen floor in mere minutes and the bottom of the pad was gross. I grabbed a lysol wipe and wiped it down the middle of the floor just to see if it picked up everything. The wipe was clear.

Taking care of the neighbours dog and we just did a very fast paced 30min walk. She's now snoozing beside me.

Discovered today that there some serious drama/politics at work and my plan is to go in do my job and go home. I inadvertly got sucked right in the middle of it today, never again I say.

A rumored 5 more centimetres of snow is on it's way, so far nothing. Hopefully it pass us by. Fingers are crossed my friends.

Alright have a groovy evening.



  1. Your workouts are crrrrrazy. Good job woman!!

  2. 60 lbs!! You are amazing! I don't think I can even bench the darn bar!
