Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gobbled up

Every last cupcake was eaten before 3pm, mind you I shared them with the whole floor. I almost had people follow me off the elevator thanks to those cupcakes.
I promised them more cupcakes after Easter as I have yet to make the perfect icing. My mission is to make a better cupcake than Crave here in Calgary. Their cupcakes are good but not perfect and quite frankly their service sucks.

Yesterday was long but class was good. Today the plan was to hit the gym for cardio but a wicked headache that struck this afternoon curtailed that plan. I opted instead to go home to peace and quiet. The good news I don't need to lug my gym bag to work as I left it there today.

I have training session tomorrow that will undoubtly be similar to Monday with stations. On Monday there was 6 of us so I'm kind of hoping there's less tomorrow. I'm liking the training as a group though.

I'm on way to having 3 gym memberships....yes crazy I know. It sounds ridiculously decadent and I was thinking I now have no excuse on getting skinny. My company has installed a gym in our building. Today a few of us went to go look at it. It's nice and rumour has it yoga will be offered 3 days a week. Good selection of equipment and about 8 treadmills plus they're top of the line treadmills. There is a fee, but it's super low and my company has this habit of grandfathering people. Meaning you get in early and if the cost changes they honour when you joined. So I'll sign up. It's less than I spend on coffee in a month so if I start bringing coffee from home no impact on my wallet at all. Did I mention the change room is gorgeous and they've got a bizillion towels. World Health that I have a one year membership with has towel issues as in they never have them.

I drank 3L of water at work, I haven't done that since I started this job. Of course I lost count of the number of times I had to go to the washroom. Hey it got me moving right?

Alright tales of the trainer for you tomorrow.
I'm going to bed early tonight.


  1. I never thought of the benefits of over-hydrating before! Haha. Thanks for that- now instead of groaning the 8th time I head to the restroom in the a.m. I can think- hey- at least I'm moving.

  2. Oooh, I tried this amazing icing, Swiss Meringue Buttercream (with real butter, of course). I won't say it's healthy (um, it's icing) but it is so so good.

    A lot of the structure comes from the meringue, so you don't have to add as much sugar. A lot of whipping, but if you have a standmixer, it's no problem. I managed with an electric beater (though it should be a sturdy one). The best part (other than the non-too-sweet taste) is that it's beautiful to pipe with, and it doesn't crust over even if you leave it out for a day. I found it on Smitten Kitchen (I have a comment on there #107 (!) about making it varying amounts of sweetness). There are also a few helpful videos on YouTube about the process.

    I don't know that I can bring myself to make any other icing now! (Pictures of the cake on my FB if you want to see) I only suggest that you make a bit more than suggested, I kept running out.
