Monday, February 09, 2009

Tonight's workout

This evening was the regular warm-up:
Do 3 times
20 sit ups
10 back extensions
10 toe touches
10 samson stretches
10 chin ups
10 tricep dips
Farmer's walk

Then I did 5 sets of 5 deadlifts with 65lbs (hey, I impressed myself when trainer demonstrated it looked like he was working it)

row for 500m
10 dumbell swings - 15lbs
10 burpees
10 dumbell thrusters - 20lbs
row 400m
10 dumbell swings - 15lbs
10 burpees
10 dumbell thrusters- 20lbs
row 300m
10 dumbell swings - 15lbs
10 burpees
10 dumbell thrusters - 20lbs

30 push ups
30 lunges
30 situps
20 push ups
20 lunges
20 situps
10 push ups
10 lunges
10 situps

I know there's a six pack somewhere in the flabby bits. I was exhausted when I was done and barely squeezed out the last sit up. Apparently some guy noted to my trainer that I worked hard. Cool.

Even trainer said I do tougher workouts then some of the guys...mwhahahahaha!

It is interesting working out with all the manly men at that gym. I just shake my head at some of them and they're hogging of equipment and the grunting.

You can tell the new year's resolution people are gone. When I first joined it would be fairly busy right after work. Now hardly any one there.

I have absolutely nothing entertaining to add this evening.
I hope you are all well.


1 comment:

  1. I found all of your resolutioners! They are at my gym. *sigh*
