Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm's about The Bachelor

Yes, I admit it. I watch this show. At the end of last season when Jason was dumped I was practically screaming at my television about how that was so wrong. Absolutely couldn't believe she picked the snowboarder. Not that I have anything against snowboarders. I think a large number of women fell for Jason...myself included.

I really hoped he would come back as The Bachelor and I'm sitting here watching tonight's episode. Must do a shout out to Canadian time shifting which allows me to watch this on a Toronto channel 2 hours earlier than it would appear on a Calgarian channel.

So he's on his 3 dates in New Zealand. I'm won't spoil anything around that. What I'm more intrigued by is next week and Deanna's (sp?) return. She says the words "you haven't proposed yet" and then you see him exit a building sobbing. Oh my G! I'm intrigued. I don't want him to go back to her. I'm seriously rooting for Jillian and not just because she's an Alberta girl. I think she has more maturity than the other two and we must remember Jason has a son.

Way at the beginning of this show. A Canadian guy posted on You Tube who he thinks wins just based on the clips from future episodes in the first show. He picked Melissa based on a ring that shows in the shot of the proposal. In every episode since I've been scanning her hands and see no ring. Tonight she's wearing a ring. I so hope he's wrong.

The final two is approaching and "in the most dramatic departure of the season" - Does that guy not say that every episode.

So if Melissa wins this thing, note to the producers - don't give it away in the first episode!

I'm going to go so I don't reveal the final two and spoil anything.


1 comment:

  1. I cannot bring myself to follow this show!

    I guess I'm just an old fashioned girl (gak) who believes in true love and have a hard time imagining it being found on such a show as the Bachelor.

    Truth be told, I try and avoid getting into new shows that I've never watched before. I have a hard enough time squeezing in the shows I do enjoy without becoming a complete couch potato again... lol.
