Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hockey Day in Canada

That meant 9 hours of hockey games were on the tube today, which means I got all of the chapters read in my textbook. I love hockey but I can't sit there and watch 3 games. Instead I read my textbook with hockey playing in the background.

Dad came into town this weekend which is fantastic as it's been a few months since I've seen him. Winter weather hampers the visits.

The hockey watching started about half way through the first game. I now have a crush on Mats Sundin from the second game. What a story book ending.

Started to watch the Calgary/Edmonton game and realized I was totally exhausted and thought I'd blog before hitting the hay.

Dad told me Friday night he was coming this morning so Friday night was spent washing floors, dusting and general "guest is coming" straightening up.

Thinking to the week ahead I've got to back on track. I was thinking about heading to Spa Lady as World Health is closed tomorrow. Then I thought of my long ago promise to review the Biggest Loser Yoga dvd. I'll definitely do that tomorrow.

Work lunch will be a turkey veggie lasagna. I think I need to get back into sticker rewards or bring a paper tracker with me. While I love the online thing, way to easy to do it and then record it.

I'll weigh in first thing tomorrow morning and see how the week has gone.

I finished watching last weeks episode of Biggest Loser and found it really interesting that the teams who didn't have gym access lost the most weight. I think it was due to them changing things up a bit and using there body more than machines.

I'll hit the gym on Monday for some treadmill work. Tuesday is yoga, Wednesday will be cardio, Thursday will be trainer and Friday will be sore muscles as I haven't worked out with trainer in over a week. I have this feeling he'll make up for lost time.

Talk to you later,

1 comment:

  1. I actually said that to my husband, that I would not want the gym pass. Working outside was going to use different muscles and change things up, and I betted on them actually losing more.
