Friday, January 16, 2009

What are the next 3 months going to be like?

Alright, woke up feeling alright. Just really sore in upper arms and chest muscles. Well after sitting at a desk for the half the day I could feel it from my toes to my head.

It's a good sore, knowing that the muscles are in there somewhere. But am I going to be sore after every workout? Probably, as I recall saying last night that this will get better and trainer said "yeah and then you'll bench press 45lbs".

This is the purpose of a trainer to push you I say.

So tomorrow should be fun as I'm heading to the gym for my homework workout. I'll tell you all the details tomorrow so I can also give you all the grunting details.

Now all I need to do is get this food thing in gear and I may actually achieve great things in 3 months.

I'll admit food was hard this week probably fueled my hormones. I need to get this lunch game plan down.

Tonight when I got home I dug out my healthy slow cooker cook book and will see what's in there.

I'm in the South office on Monday so my plan is to drop off my gym bag in my office on Saturday so I'm not lugging too much stuff on Monday. Then when I drop off my computer grab my workout stuff. This way I have no reason not to pack a lunch because I won't be lugging tons.

So here is tomorrow waking up sore, sucking it up and hitting the gym.


  1. Great job going to the gym. Keep it up!
    BTW, how did you do the weigh ins list? I was trying to figure it out because I really like it, but am technologically challenged!!

  2. The muscle soreness gets better after the 45 lb. mark, too. *grins*

  3. I'd like to know how you do the weigh in list also!
