Saturday, January 03, 2009

And it begins BBLE Season 2

You must sign up by midnight Jan 4th (they didn't mention time zones) if you want to participate so click on the logo on the right and go for it. Read all the details there and check out the twist for this time. 

Speaking of the twist, I wouldn't want to let down Angie or Lynn so that's added to the motivation.

I completely blew the last challenge, the only thing to blame is myself. I gave up, what makes that truly sad is I gave up on me. So I have a point to prove with this challenge. The point to prove is that I can stick with this for the next 16 weeks through the good, the bad and the ugly.

My goal for the end of this challenge is down 30lbs, ambitious? Perhaps but I'm thinking go big or go home. Plus that's less than 2lbs per week.

I don't think I've even ever tracked for 16 weeks in a row. Well they say it takes 3 months to make or break a habit so 4 months should cement something.

I'm going into this erasing last time, this is a fresh start and the road goes forward from here.

On that note down 2.2 today, haven't had a loss like that in a while. This tracking thing works I tell ya. For the first week since I joined WW online I tracked for the whole week. I'm giving myself a mental bravo sticker.

Have a groovy Saturday my friends and let the games begin!


  1. I hate to admit it but i failed the last one too!! I was hoping to be at goal by the end of it but nope i'm still looking for that. So this time that's my goal to be where i need to be by the end!! We can and we will do it :)

  2. Congrats on the 2.2 lb loss! I haven't seen a loss like that in a looooooong time, so good for you!

    Good luck with BBLE... I'm hoping it'll motivate me too :)

  3. You're gonna rock this one! ;-) 16 weeks, just keep thinking 16 weeks! Imagine how friggin slim and trim you ARE going to be in 16 weeks! ;-)


  4. This is my first BLBE challenge so I am really excited!! It looks like you and I are, somewhat, in the same boat. I am at 184.5 right now (coming down from 225 lbs) and am hoping to lose my final 40 in the next 16 wks. Lets do it!!
