Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The zone

Update: So I was thinking I'd have to pay the full registration fee on Saturday at WW because I've missed two weigh ins (it's cheaper that way then surrendering 3 coupons). There's a deal on right now that to register you just pay the weekly fee - yahoo that saves me a few bucks.

I'm not talking about the diet, but more when you're in the middle of exercising and you feel unstoppable, like you could conquer a mountain sort of thing.

That's how I felt during warm up (10 min on treadmill - 3.5 speed, 5 - incline), then it was off to 2 sets of core, then 20min on Arc (that was hard) and then 30min back on treadmill (also hard). This was Cardio day. I was supposed to do lower body weights but my trainer injured her knee, so we've rescheduled that for Friday.

I'm not sure if I can go on Wednesday. I have a paper due on Thursday that's driving me crazy. Come up with 5 reasons why employers still use traditional benefits as opposed to health spending accounts. Thus far in my research I've found a whole bunch of reasons why they should switch. I need to get more analytical me thinks. With yoga tonight my available time is getting iffy. If I do have to miss Wednesday, I'll make it up on Saturday. Gym is closed Sunday and Monday so I'll be on my own for some sort of workout on Monday. At some point before Friday I need to make Tirimasu for a birthday at work on Friday. Oy vey I'm looking forward to the long weekend.

I have pet peeves to share with the world today. When digital cable lists a show and then when you click on that show it's a different show. I wanted to dvr the first episode of Dirty Sexy Money, I get home see that apparently it recorded. Go to watch it and it's Private Practice on access. Which probably means that ABC was also playing Private Practice at that time, because that's the channel I was recording but a Canadian feed took over (they do that if it's the same show) and this show was on Access. Irritating.

Focusing on water today as I've become really bad at this all of a sudden.

Have a groovy day!

1 comment:

  1. I ran into that same problem when I taped Amazing Race on Sunday. The guide said Amazing Race, and the recorded program said it was Amazing Race, but when I went to watch it, it was 60 Minutes. Boooo.

    Argh, and now I realize I missed DSM!

    Good job on your working out. Sounds like you are really in a groove...keep it up!
