Thursday, October 09, 2008

Productive night

I'm feeling good today despite the -5 with windchill that I woke up to this morning.

Yesterday I saw snow, not much but it was flying in the air and my immediate thought was "Crap".

I went to Co-op after work and picked up the mascarpone (more expensive than Safeway dang it) but they did have lady fingers so thank goodness for that.

I adore their fresh fruit and vegetable section but they are not the most reasonably priced grocery store. Everything looks so good and the lighting is perfect.

I got a rough copy of my paper done during the day so when I went home I just read it over and edited it. It's on my zip drive so I'll take one more look at it before I submit.

The Tiramisu looks and smells amazing. It's in the fridge to be lugged to work tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to gym tomorrow and cleaning my house this weekend. It's a disaster right now.

So I watched BL last night and I can't blame Jillian for being mad. What the heck, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people applied for that show and you're 4 weeks in and not doing your homework. That's completely ridiculous.

I hope they continue to knock a family member off until they're down to individuals. Colleen and Heba may have difficult time competing as individuals. Jillian's team is starting to bug me a little.
I can't stand the brown team. I don't have a favourite this time around, who knows maybe next week. I'm so proud of Ed, he looked amazing and I'm so excited to see their Heba and Ed's reunion.

Alright that's it for today...later.

1 comment:

  1. I am also looking forward to getting my house organized this weekend. There is so much cleaning and junk chucking to be done.

    Tirimisu? Jeez, you're killin me!

