Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mindless observations

First of all send heart filled vibes to my friend H, she said good bye to her beloved Kitty on Monday. Kitty will be dearly missed.
To the car that turned left when they weren't supposed to and narrowly missed being hit by my bus please think...bus vs car. The bus will win.

To the car who doesn't know the rules of 4-way stops who narrowly missed being hit by my bus about 15min later this morning...refresh your knowledge and think...bus vs car. The bus will win.

The minute I got home last night I changed clothes and headed to the basement to do Kathy Smith's Step Workout. This is a classic my friends, and a go to workout if I don't know what to do. Oy vey, I was schwitzing 15min into it. That's the thing about physical fitness it's so easy to lose if you don't keep it up. I then did 30min of Yoga and I slept soundly last night. Hmm...there might be something to this.

Tonight I'm going outside for a 5K walk. I realized that I can't expect myself to jump in where I left off as I've given myself quite the sabbatical. So back to basics is it. Right now the plan is to create conistency.

Got my Landsend order yesterday and love the Dory Jacket (pictured), its not poofy and quite smart looking. Reported to be good in from -9 to -15C (with a light layer). This my fall/winter jacket. As a Calgarian I really need to own 10 jackets as the temperature swings are ridiculous. Take this morning it was 4 degrees, by the time I go home it could be 16 degrees. My lovely Roots jacket is starting to feel a bit chilly in the morning and a bit warm by the afternoon. I also ordered the aviator winter hat. I think ear flaps are absolute necessity in winter and I think I need to stop dressing like a sherpa with my winter head gear. I got all in black so I now I just need a funky scarf and I'm set.

I discovered yesterday that I have to take 8 vacation days before the end of the year or I lose them. We can only carry over 5, I'll have 13 vacation days by the end of the year. I'm thinking I should take the week off before my big test on October 4th. Then maybe take the 3 days before Christmas off. Yeah I know...poor me :) I was kind of hoping to have a new job by then so they just have to pay them out.
I got the new Entertainment Weekly yesterday and my plan to program my dvr begins.
Have a great day everybody,

1 comment:

  1. I adore Landsend and that jacket looks great! What a nice "gift" to yourself.
