Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day one of BLBE

That's Biggest Loser: Blog Edition (BLBE) in case you didn't know. The challenge is now closed with something like 70 participants. Whoo hoo, this will be good. I think at the end of this we owe something to Angie for tracking all that so put your thinking caps on. If you didn't make the cut off don't feel bad, just follow along just as millions do with the tv show Biggest Loser. The only person who will be successful at this is the person who decides they will be succesful at this.

If you decide to fail or succeed, you will. I don't want to see this girl ever again.

I had to get creative to get a body shot, this is me standing on my bed so you could get a somewhat version of my before self.

Alright yesterday I woke up and weighed myself on my bathroom scale before heading to weigh in. 188.4...yuck. That's 2.4 gain over last week and I know why. For the last 3 days I had not really been paying attention to what I was doing as I knew starting Sunday there would be no more excuses. I did have the breif thought of maybe I can lose 3lbs on the way to Starbucks before going to my meeting. Of course that didn't happen but I did lose .2 as my official weigh in was 188.2. As I stood on that scale (it's about a 20min walk to weigh in) I looked at my leader and said "It's been an interesting week" and she asked "Did you enjoy it?" and I looked her and said yes and today starts new day.

This week will be crazy I have 3 meetings with my trainer at the gym on Mon, Wed and Fri. All at 6pm which is about half an hour later than I would normally start a workout. Tuesday will be 1.5 hours of yoga. Thursday I have class from 6-8:30 so no workouts that day. On Saturday and Sunday I will fit in some kind of activity, not necessarily the gym but something to complement what I'm doing. Yesterday I walked for about 3hrs and I saw a loss on the scale this morning already. Today I'm cleaning my house and doing yoga.

The meeting with the trainer will determine my starting upper body, lower body and core workouts. Jenny definitely seems popular. As I was waiting to sign up on Friday there were a few people looking for her. OMG the sign up was funny. I was talking to a different girl and within 5 minutes I knew her life story.

So I have lunches, dinners and snacks planned for next week. I'm paying attention to my protein as I don't get enough of that. Workouts are planned for next week. On Saturday the 27th I'm gone for 6 days without a computer (middle of the country and no internet). I can still make weigh in on the 27th but I won't be able to make the Oct.4 weigh in as I'm writing a test from 9am to 11am. However my home scale is awfully on target with the weigh in scale as you can tell from the start of this entry so that will be my back up plan. My Dad is cooking for those 6 days so that will also be interesting. The good thing is there are no snacks at Dad's house. It's home cooked protein and veggies. I'm bringing my extra yoga mat to just leave there so I don't need to cart back and forth. If I could just pick up a wi fi signal out there I'd report in via Itouch.

Now absolutely I will share all that I learn in this journey with all of you. I'm not thinking of this as a competition as I'm hoping all of us at the end of this feel like Biggest Losers.

Life happens so plans can change but what I promise of all of you is that if I need to make a change to a planned workout I will also tell you my make up plan. I now consider myself completely accountable to all of you BLBE folks.

We should get t-shirts :)

Hugs to all and I'll talk to you tomorrow.


  1. Good luck on the journey. I like how you've planned your lunches and exercise. That's a really smart move. I'll have to keep up with your posts.

  2. T-shirts! You are so right!

    Planning is always key for me. I have tomorrow planned. That's the best I can do today.

    It's good to meet you! I love challenges!

  3. YOU girl, have got it together and have definitely made excellent choices.

    "The only person who will be successful at this is the person who decides they will be succesful at this."

    What an EXCELLENT thing to say!

    Nobody needs to do anything pour moi - this challenge will do more than enough, you can be sure ;-)

  4. great plan!!!!

    sounds like you've got some great energy to put into this!! yay!!!

  5. T-shirts would be awesome! I think all we'd have to do is design something and pop it up on
