Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I feel fine...oh wait a second

The most common question asked of me yesterday was "Are you sore?" after many learned of my first day of boot camp on Monday. Early in the day strangely not so much, I felt it a bit in my shoulders but not really anywhere else.

Until...I got to yoga last night. The minute I sat down on my mat I could feel an umphhh in my abs. But hey that's great, this means they're there right? I had emailed my yoga instructor a request to learn a sequence of poses that would be a good all body stretch. Well she brought that up in the class and the general consensus was that I was a bit crazy to do boot camp 3 days a week. I call it ambitious not crazy. Well stretches we did and this funky one that works your hip, oh boy I could feel that one.

Today I woke up sore all over, seriously I can feel my entire muscle structure. It's not painful, I'm just aware. It's probably also due to the intense stretches in yoga. I might look into booking myself a massage on Saturday.

Today I carried the world's heaviest back pack to work. It contains 10lbs of weights, my lunch, runners, workout clothes, sunscreen, bug spray, face wipes, deodorant, ibuprofen, gatorade, chocolate milk, an empty water bottle and my wallet. It was definitely the two 5lb weights that but it over the edge.

The decision was made this morning to use my office as a drop zone. I will definitely be dropping stuff off in my office after boot camp tonight so my carting is kept to a minimum. The boot camp yoga mat will stay here too. I knew it was a good idea to get a second mat. After the 6 weeks are up then I'll take it home again. The sunscreen, bug spray, face wipes and deodorant will also live in my desk for the duration of boot camp.

I think I'm going to be one of those classy women who wear the runners on the bus. Really I'm not going anywhere but home after boot camp. I saw two girls (they were 20 or under) wearing the runners with skirts this morning so I feel it's the green light to go ahead.

Stay tuned for tales of Boot Camp day 2...probably tomorrow so I can report on how I can't move :)

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