Monday, July 21, 2008

Time flies...

I'm back my blogging friends.
My apologies I went off on vacation for a week and forgot to tell you.

Last Friday I had a half day and was home packing for my visit to my Dad in the country when I got a call from giant oil company (remember them?) In the first week of July my recruiter had called to say they were still interested in me. All Stampede week (the following week) I heard nada from them. On the Friday I was at home I called him to find out if anything was happening. Well while I was at home I got a phone call scheduling a second interview. I did let them know beforehand that I was away from the 14th to the 18th. Luckily they were cool with that and scheduled it for today.

It was at noon and I think it went o.k. Now it's seriously out of my hands. The Alberta hiring manager said she'd call me by the end of this week. I've lined up H for drinks if it goes south or if I get the job. She's a very good friend :)

I think they like me so now all I have to do is wait.

On the weightloss front I missed two meetings. I had planned to weigh in before vacation but torrential rain stopped me (o.k I'm a wimp) and this Saturday I got back into the city too late to make any of the meetings. So this Saturday I'll probably just pay the registration fee as opposed to surrenduring 3 coupons.

Of course I tracked nothing for two weeks and have yet to start this week. I need to get my head back into the game.

So I'm back to Blog land and looking forward to reading up on your adventures.



  1. glad you're back!

  2. Awesome, you'll rock the 2nd interview! Hope you had fun at your Dad's!
