Monday, July 07, 2008

The parties have started

As I came into work today (8am ish) I passed 3 pancake breakfasts. Yes my friends, Stampede is in full swing.

However after my mini foodapalooza this weekend, if I want to see a loss at the next weigh in, I have to put the brakes on. The tracker is with me and I have planned out my day and that does not include any pancakes whatsoever.

I had a fabulous weekend with fantastic friends. My friend D was in fron Ontario, so D, my friend H, her mom, her nephew T and I headed out to Kananaskis for a hike up the Heart Mtn Trail. I took fabulous pictures that I left at home so they'll be posted later.

On the way down T who is 9 and I were in the lead for quite some time. He told me about a recent death. He got a call from his Dad either that day or the day before about the passing of an Uncle ( not sure if this was a blood related Uncle or friend of the family). Apparently he passed away from throat cancer. Now I was a bit taken by surprise that T decided to talk to me about this. I was quite honoured, he must have felt comfortable with me to some extent to share this. So we walked and talked. He's a cool kid and meant for great things.

The next day H and D were running the HSBC half marathon (the race I dropped out of). Well I'm definitely taking part next year. Those two are huge inspiration and they each posted personal bests. We had a beautiful breakfast buffet at Barclays. I'm not kidding when I say the best scrambled eggs ever.

For the rest of Sunday I cleaned house and have a bit more to do but now it's in manageable chunks. Need to pick up a few groceries to finish off the week before I head out to Dad's next week.

One week in literally the middle of nowhere. I sleep really really well out there. There's something about the clean air and no noise. I'm looking forward to it.

But first I need to get through this week day by day.



  1. I admire your will power!

  2. you're going to make it past all the pancakes - I can just tell!
