Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Back to basics

Hello, hello,
My internet has be down at home and I've been crazy at work so apologies for not posting for awhile.

Let me go back to weigh in. I was up 4lbs. Yikes, but that's what happens when you throw caution to the mind and it showed me just how easy it is to slide into old habits if you don't think about it. I was handing over 3 coupons and my lovely meeting leader gave me one back. She said it would be cheaper to re-register but I didn't want to stand in line again.

I have successfully tracked 3 days in a row and day 4 is already written in my tracker. Have earned 11AP so far, I think I'm on the right track.

Mini update: I just said no to ice cream and I find I drink more water if it's with a straw...who knew.

My internet issues were finally solved yesterday with Telus sending out a tech. Telus sent me a new modem because they did system upgrades effective July 21st. Well from that day one it didn't work. They tried to tell me it had something to do with the line from the adsl jack to the computer. One said it was too long and another said it was the wrong type. So the tech plugs in his modem and I do have a connection. I ask him to test the modem Telus sent...aha that modem didn't work whatsoever. So blah on Telus for sending me a crappy modem.

Tonight I'm going to get a longer ethernet cable so the modem can sit closer to the adsl jack which apparently improves speed. They also were surprised to find I had no filters on the phone jacks. They asked if my internet ever cut out when the phone rang, I answered with never. So they gave me these filters and I attached them to all the phone jacks. But you know what the filter causes static on the phone line. So I took the filter off of the main line I use and we'll see what happens.

Haven't heard anything from giant oil and gas company. I am waiting patiently...most of the time.

I've been asked to be back up babysitter for two dogs and I said o.k yesterday but now I'm thinking I don't want to. It's a long weekend here and there are a few projects I need to do so I'm not sure I want to also keep an eye on two dogs.

Boot camp starts next week and I found someone who blogged about it. It just talks about day 1 to 15 so I'm not sure what the end results were.
Apparently the 5 fitness tests they do at the beginning and the end include push ups (I'm terrible at those), sit ups (so so at those) and a 1km jog (yikes). What I'm focusing on is how good the results will be when these do these tests on the last day.

I shall faithfully report the whole 6 weeks for your reading pleasure.

Alas I should go do stuff. Have a groovy day!

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