Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Yes it's my 36th birthday today, I'm cool with that because most people guess that I'm in my 20's. Amen for genetics people. It's funny actually my supervisor is turning 40 and you would think there was a huge age difference between us.

Big plans for tonight...my yoga class- it's the the 5th out of 6 weeks and I didn't want to miss it.

Of course on an occasion such as this I think back on what I've done with my life so far...
The Good:

Actually used my degree for something this year.
On track to getting my CHRP designation.
Have fantastic friends and family.

The Not So Good:
So so job.
Still no where near goal weight.

Well I'm working on the job thing and have a plan for the weight loss thing.

I'm following the theory behind X-Weighted . I've set myself a 6 month goal to lose 54lbs which will put me at 130lbs. I'm seriously heading into the unknown, anything less than 168 doesn't register in my head. Took all my measurements on June 1 and shall do that monthly.

I'm going to join Survivor Boot Camp in August and run a 10K in September. (Officially signed up for boot camp...oy vey)

So now I must train for the multiple hills, stairs, push up and sit ups of boot camp and the run.
Had a little scare this weekend as I though the knee issues were back, thankfully I was mistaken so I'm good to go.
Tonight 1.5 hrs of yoga, tomorrow cardio - I'm going to plan 2 days at a time for exercise as I've found that if I plan too far ahead all is lost.

I'm also going to bring the focus of this blog back to weight loss, life will always be a part of it as that will never go away.

I was up 2lbs at weigh in, admitting to tracking nothing since last Tuesday. I adored my weigh in lady as she said...It happens and the good thing is your hear today, it's not permanent and you'll have it off soon. I wanted to hug her.

It was also a wake up call for me as I need that accountability and focus.

Alas, the journey begins again....step one....




    I am so proud to be your friend, and so inspired by everything you've done. You're amazing!

    Lots of love!


    Congrats on the new plan. Good luck and I know you can do it!!
