Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 2 of a long weekend

Hello fellow bloggers,
I was down .4 on Saturday without really trying, imagine what I could have accomplished had I actually but effort in last week.

I went out to dinner with P to our old haunt Earl's. Not so fabulous service I must say and I did have the coconut cream pie for dessert as I absolutely loved it when they tested it at another Earl's. However this time out, a bit disappointing as it wasn't the same.

Saw Sex in The City and I hate to say this but I didn't think it was so great. I liked it and I'm not regretting paying for it but I thought it could have been better. Love the characters but there seemed to be a whole lot of throwaway story lines.

Today I have yet to change out of my P.Js and I don't think there's a point now. Got home just before 1am last night as it was a late movie. Slept in obviously today. Got some stuff down around the house. Waited too long to mow the lawn and it was too stinking hot outside.

My plan is to mow tomorrow at 9am when it's not so hot and I must pick up a book from the library. I'm working on Canada Day as my office is open and buses are running Sunday schedule so I'll have to look into that.

Lunch next week will be WW recipe for turkey meatloaf in muffin tins with veggies and the Europe's best frozen mini potatoes I have in my freezer. That will a fairly low point lunch.

Not a heck of a lot more to report.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a fabulous Monday.



  1. any chance you can post the turkey meatloaf recipe?

  2. I agree with you on S & C...just so so.
