Friday, April 04, 2008

I hope I win

Alright so in reference to that Dyson vacuum cleaner obsession on Ebay. I'm bidding on one. The canister version as I think the attachments are better. I have a stand up Bissel right now and I think I prefer canister types for ease of use with attachments. Plus it's lighter, some of those things are heavy. Oh please it's a Dyson, I haven't read one bad review...not one. I have researched my friends.

So I've calculated the absolutely maximum I would pay for this thing including shipping (the shipping was super decent) and now I wait. I should know about 11pm my time.

I find it funny that Ebay refers to winning, is it winning? It really comes down to how much you'll pay. It's dangerous to get caught up in the bidding as there is a really good chance you'll spend too much. So now as I check in occasionally to see if I'm still the leader. I know that if it's meant to be it will be mine, if not then there will be another.

The funky scale shipped today so I should have that in my hot little hands soon.

All the interviews I had scheduled for today have rescheduled for Monday. So I'm trying to focus on what I need to do. Ads must be written, systems must be updated...yet I find myself counting down to lunch. Oy vey, it's going to be a long day.

Food wise I was perfection yesterday, so now it will be repeated. There are donuts at 2pm, I have already vowed no donuts for me. I have a date with a scale tomorrow.

Alright so I might be back much later with a declaration about the vacuum.

Is it sad that I'm excited about a vacuum cleaner?


  1. I hope you win too! Dysons are awesome, I don't think anyone who has ever owned one would blame you for getting excited. I almost eloped with mine!!

    Good luck with the auction!

  2. I've been lusting after the Dyson's forever. We had to buy a new vacuum cleaner last year, and I stood there in the store and debated and debated with myself and still couldn't bring myself to pay that much money for one. I got a Bissell that was about half as much, and it works really well. But still, the heart? She wants a Dyson.
