Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Finding ones way

I got my results for my first compensation test...I did crappy and I mean crappy. Thankfully it's worth 20% of the total mark. So two more tests worth 25% and one group project to go. I found other people on the discussion board who had issues. The one really good thing is I didn't console myself with a chocolate bar. Of course from now on I must be perfect.

While I'm sad the Flames lost last night, I'm proud of their efforts. No one died or lived based on the results and now I look forward to their next season. So now thanks to my complicated who to root for formula (highest number of Canadians on the team). I now find myself rooting for the Sharks (13 Canadians versus 11 on the Stars), the Penguins (11 vs. 9 on the Rangers), the Avalanche (14 vs 9 on the Red Wings) and I'm going with the Flyers (tied with the Canadiens). Yes I know, why aren't I rooting for the only Canadian team remaining. To be honest after the media coverage of the fans reaction to round 1, I fear what might happen after round 2. I realize that the majority of Montreal fans are respectful citizens who don't support that type of behaviour by any means. We're a long way from the final series so things may change.

Interesting discussion in the office today about finding what works for you in terms of weight loss. I've got one colleague doing a cleanse right now. Another of my colleague needs motivation. She needs a workout buddy to get her out the door and finds herself making the same food over and over. Our manager is doing Jenny Craig and we've seen some of the food she's brought in. Now this works perfectly for the manager. She hates to cook and likes easy. The total key to being successful is finding what works for you, that could be a whole lot of trial and error but never give up.

I'm heading to Safeway on the way home to get something for lunch for the next two days. My buying lunch for the past 3 has to stop. I need some better dinner options as well, yesterday was cereal. It's going to be a very precise bigger grocery shop this weekend. I find myself slipping into a laissez faire kind of attitude and I need some options. So Friday night will be dedicated to meal planning my friends.

Alright so that's it for today - go forth and find what works for you - when you do it will be like magic :)

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