Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Biggest Loser Tonight!

Alright so I forgot to make my potluck contribution yesterday and absolutely have to do it this evening. Which probably means straight when I get home so it has time to cool so I can cut it.

I'm not sure who I want to win Biggest Loser. I'm not crazy about Ali and I'm tired of boys winning. However, Kelly's blah attitude isn't winning me over either. I had really hoped Bernie would win, maybe he'll win the home version. The interesting thing will be which two fall below the line tonight, as America will vote which one makes the final 3.

Snackapalooza has kicked in today but thus far I have resisted and will continue to resist. I just keep chanting 179 in my head as that's what I'd like to see on the scale on Saturday.

Apart from that not much to report today.

Serious drama in the office today resulting in yelling, it was tense there for awhile but all is calm now.

Talk to y'all tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. yelling wasn't from the weigh in, was it???

    I can hardly stand waiting for Biggest Loser. I'm taping it now so I can zoom through the commericals!!!

    Good job resisting!!
