Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Bah Ipod!

I got an Ipod Touch off of ebay. I bought it used but it has a warranty saving roughly $120 off of a new one.

Well it arrived yesterday and it's pretty.

I get home and immediately (well after Biggest Loser) hook it up to my computer. Of course I must get rid of current itunes and download again for it to recognize the new one.

So I do that, then get confused about deleting so I don't...stupid stupid... then I have to download itunes again. Ok, plug in ipod all seems good. Itunes suggest upgrades, ok I do upgrades. Itunes says it will take 2hrs, I say o.k I'm going to bed.

This morning I go check on ipod. Screen says "error Ipod 1604" then it goes away. Itunes says upgrades complete but restore is highlighted. I hit restore. It does it's thing and then says the same error. Crapola, I google error 1604 and a bizillion mentions of this error occur. So I try one of the suggested fixes, doesn't work. At this point I'm out of time and must go to work.

So tonight I will see if I can fix it, if not it's going back. I'm so disappointed. I get excited about this new toy and shazam it doesn't work. I don't know who to blame the ebay dude or Apple.

Another mystery of the universe. How could I be so good with staying on plan last week and this week is a challenge. All is not lost according to WW with flex points I get 203 for the week. Well if I stick to my 24 for today, Thur and Fri I'll clock in at 201.

I do not want to see a gain on Saturday. I will be strong. I worked far too hard last week to blow it this week.

Hey, nsv of some sort...stress of Ipod didn't result in any type of snacking whatsoever.

Whoo hoo!


  1. well, congrats on not snacking your way through the crisis. :) I'm having the darndest time staying on plan this week too. Had lasagna tonight for dinner at a friends house. Had a Reuben sandwich for lunch (and yes, it was grilled and had real swiss cheese and real thousand island dressing). Oh and did I mention my sandwich came with fries??

    Somebody stop me!!!

  2. wow - that happening would have sent me RUNNING to the kitchen! Good on you!!
