Saturday, March 01, 2008

Russian Roulette with the scale

Alright, I admit it. I've been playing fast and loose with the scale. Two weeks of wee gains and failing to but on the breaks results in a 1.2 lb gain. Oh yeah, I knew eating lunch out every day was not a good idea. I knew I should drink more water, go for walks and heck even track in my journal.

The silly thing is I was waiting for a fresh start. I know, I know...a fresh start can start anytime - in the next minute, hour, day, week or month. Being knocked over by the super flu that kept me feeling not so great for 3 weeks didn't help. I never quite got back on the wagon, last week I was feeling better the coughing was far far less but I still didn't re-focus. I was actually dreading going to weigh in this morning and contemplated not going at all. Then I thought well that's just stupid. Go face your demons and get your butt back on the wagon. As my leader said in today's meeting - you don't want to make Weight Watchers your favourite charity.

I have 9 weeks left in my current weigh in book and I'm going to make these 9 weeks count.

So today I started the wendi plan and focusing on the basics. Now I'm ready. I want those 5lb stickers and the key for my keychain. I want goal.

I'm focusing on the positive here. No bashing, feeling bad or even for a moment doubting that this can be done.

Thank you so much for your comments about my cake, it is suprisingly easy not to be distracted by the cake or the icing. I never had a single slice of any of the cakes that I made for that class. They were projects to me and after assembling all that needed to be assembled I didn't want to touch it.

To the week ahead, celebrating the moments that make up the journey to a healthier me.


1 comment:

  1. what a great attitude you have - I really needed to read a post like this today. Thanks.
