Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Oy vey, is it only Wednesday?

I feel wiped, exhausted and checked out. Yesterday I was in a course all day and it's been a long time since I had to sit in a lecture style environment. It was interesting but felt long. Got home and made 38 calyx green things for the bottom of all those fondant roses. Finished the 10 roses I still needed. Made 30 leaves and baked the two cakes I need.

Tonight is pack up all those roses and leaves. Fill and frost the cakes, cover with fondant and then make 40 tiny flower cut outs. I'm seriously tired of this cake. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow I tell you.

Two of my colleagues are getting their Canadian citizenship so I'm going to make a Canadian Flag cake for the staff meeting on Wednesday.

The 10lb challenge has resurfaced at work. I offered a few suggestions. We don't do it for money and (when we know who all is participating) I'll get stickers to represent each of us. We'll have weekly goals ie. water, fruits and veg, no chocolate, activity. Then at the end of the month the person with the most stickers wins a non food related little prize. I want us to focus on healthy behaviours not just pounds.

It's been a crazy week food wise. Between the paper due on Monday and this cake for class I haven't had a whole lot of time to plan my menu. I haven't stepped on a scale since Saturday.

Alas I'm looking forward to finishing this cake and having a bit more time to focus on school and me.

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