Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gym culture

Week 1 Day 5

What a day yesterday, winds going up to 90km/hr resulted in restless sleep and a stronger desire to snack due and wicked cold. I did contain myself snack wise and went to the gym after work, managed to get a treadmill and completed running day deux of 36min of run/walk and 24min of fast walk =60min. I find people watching in the gym fascinating. I got to a Spa Lady so it's all women but the choice of gym clothes intrigue me. The skinnier people are the less they wear is my conclusion. Of course I desperately want to be one of them. I wear all technical fabric thanks to my 2 half marathons and one marathon as I find it way more comfortable than cotton.
The tech fabric wicks away moisture doesn't make you feel likes clothes are klingy.
Upon leaving the gym the bus that stops 4 doors down from house came so my plan to buy milk was dashed. So I'll pop by Walmart and grab milk and a couple of other things. I really need black socks and new slippers. I was looking at my slippers this morning and they're looking grungy. When I get home I need to make the icing for cake decorating tomorrow. I will squeeze in a workout. I've set all my favourite series to automatically save on the PVR so I can make workouts a priority. Maybe kickboxing tonight with Jillian Micheals.

OMG this morning we had -24 with windchill and it's expected to be -2 by the time I leave today. I love Calgary and it's 22 degree temperature changes in one day.

BL is on the dvr though I did hear who got booted off. It will be interesting to see Neil in the finale as he seems to have zero work ethic. I hope he pulls up his socks because his wife is so committed.

For 4 days in a row I have done some sort of workout and will return to the gym on Friday for running day trois. I'm trying to focus on consistency.

Have a groovy day everyone!

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