Monday, October 15, 2007

Up 2.2 - Victim of Holliweek

Alas I can't say I was surprised at WI, I certainly wasn't alone. I heard many conversations about gains at the meeting on Saturday.

I know what happened, I tracked but after the fact and not consulting where I was in my day's points. I was bad and then fessed up. However that's in the past and I'm not going to dwell on it. This is a new week and a new focus and I'll take it day by day.

I added up all my points for the week including flex and diviyed them up for the week. I knew Saturday and Sunday would be higher but I'm still going to finish within my points by the end of the week damn it. I will have a loss on Saturday - enough said.

Tonight I must go vote and tried to coordinate with the gym but it's a logistical nightmare. my amazon order came and I had ordered Jillian Michael's workout dvds and the newest Biggest Loser book - Fitness Programs. I have no excuse not to do a workout at home tonight. It will also be 20 degrees today so it's a good day to head out for a walk run but I really want to try the dvds. We'll see what wins when I get home.

I'm also going to the gym on Tuesday which is Hip Hop night. I can't count on Hip Hop being a good workout as the intensity of what we do always changes and there's enough hours in between to recover from a gym workout and head to hip hop.

The 10lb challenge started at work today and all 6 of us stepped on the scale and took measurements. I will bring the scale back on the 15th and 30th of each month until Dec. 14th. People can check their progress if they want or wait until the end.

One of our group didn't want anyone to know her starting weight. I feel for her, I wanted to keep this little project very positive and very inspiring so she wrote it down on a piece of paper for now. She did take part in the measurement part. The other 5 shared weights and measurements. On December 14th if you lost 10lb you pay nothing, if you lost 8 you pay $2 and so on. Awesome idea from my friend A, and this way you don't feel like you've lost anything buy not losing 10lbs but it will still motivate to not hand over any money.

I really want to focus on the positive and not get dragged down by negative self talk.

I hope everyone has a great day!

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