Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Shake your tail feather

Hip hop was once again loads of fun, there was this one arm movement combined with a lurch type turn into a variation of climbing into a clown car that I didn't quite get. This time we were grooving to a song by Jay Z that I've never heard. This class is definitely improving my ability to search Itunes.

Again I was up until midnight as I just couldn't sleep and tonight I must attend a seminar right after work, I would really like to go straight home and into PJs.

Foodwise I've been very good today and I was doing great yesterday until after hip hop. I always get home hungry and wired. I need to think of some instant grab and point friendly post workout snack that also won't keep me up.

My plan is to hit the gym tomorrow and Friday. I also need to lug home a bag of apples somehow and create a baked good to bring back on Friday. Our office administrator brought in apples from her back yard so now there's a bake-off challenge. Luckily I'm not a big fan of apple based desserts :)

Have a great day everybody!


  1. That's good that your not a fan of apple based desserts because that could become scary! I don't think I'd be able to resist!

    Don't forget to send me in your WI results for the Christmas Challenge. I'm not sure I got Week #1 and #2 right. I have them both down as a maintain. Just let me know if I shoudl change it! Thanks!

  2. That's awesome you are doing a hip hop class. Every time I am in the weight room, I can see the classes going on. I wish I could do them, but I fear of looking like an idiot. If they had a few beginners classes I might ttry those, but for the most part they aren't.

    Good luck on the bake off!!
