Monday, October 22, 2007

Down 0.8

Finally heading in the right direction and I was a bit surprised as last week was not filled with good behaviour, it wasn't as bad as the week before but there's definitely room for improvement.

I also dusted off my running shoes on Sunday and headed out for my first learn to run attempt in a long time. I did a 5 min walk warm up and then ran 1 min and walked 5min for 47min around my 5.08K neighbourhood route. At first I thought I was going to keel over but by then end I recovered quickly. I kept an eye on my Garmin to keep my times dead on. On Tuesday I might attempt 1 min run/ 3 min walk but for a shorter time frame in accordance with "Running for Mortals" instead of 5/1 ratio of Sunday. I was just pleased I got my butt off the coach and out the door. While the weather remains stable I will be running outside and put off the gym until I need the treadmill. Tonight will be yoga and maybe hip hop abs. Tuesday will be interesting as I plan to walk/run for about 30min and then I have hip hop later that night, I'm really hoping to have really good sleep Tuesday night. Wednesday I have a seminar right after work. Thursday I'll run again. On Friday I'll do some other type of exercise. I will report back here with updates so I have some accountability.
On Saturday I found a winter coat, I'll try to post a picture tonight. I got my painted potter back too so I'll try to post that as well. My weekend was pretty much dedicated to getting back on track with school and I got 92% on the assignment that drove me bonkers so I'm quite pleased with that.
Alright off to read all your blogs...have a groovy day!


  1. High Five on the run!! Great job!!! :)

  2. Sounds like you have a great workout plan all planned out. Congrats on getting off the couch and out on the pavement!
