Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Need to be fly

Attended my first hip hop class last night and I had no idea what I was doing. I swear I was the worst person there but you know what...I had fun. My theory is it was one heck of a 60min cardio workout and I can only get better from here. The challenge is the class is at 9:15pm so by the time I got home at 10:30pm and I was energized. Normally, on work night, I'm ready for bed by 10pm. So I watched the last few minutes of Biggest Loser (taped the rest) and attempted to go to sleep, nada I just lay there. I tried to just do savasana and focus on breathing and relaxing. At any rate I'm kind of tired today and am planning an early night. I'm going to go home do yoga and go to bed. I'll have to tape the season premiere of America's Next Top Model. In all seriousness I think I'll be asleep by 8pm.

I joined Carolyn's Christmas Challenge pledging to lose 10lbs in 14 weeks. Ideally I'd like to lose more but I'm learning my lesson in making reasonable goals. The 100 day challenge was a total disaster for me, I definitely need shorter goals so I'll break the 14 weeks in to 7 sets of 2.

On Thursday my plan is to go to the gym and to just do my own thing in terms of cardio. Friday there are no classes in the time I can get there so again I'll focus on cardio. I might attend a class after weigh in on Saturday.

My goal for next week is to check my books and design a weight routine to encorporate next week.

Apart from that not much to report. It looks like the new tv season truly start going next week. I then must decide what's worth taping because work outs will come first.

Have a fabulous day everbody!


  1. Glad to hear you had fun in your class. No one is perfect in the beginning! I'm sure you'll be great after a couple of sessions though. And having fun during your workout is the important thing!

  2. YAY! Glad you decided to join the Christmas Challenge! I want to lose 10 lbs too so we are pretty much working towards the same goal. I know we can do it! Just thinko f how great we'll feel over the Holidays!

    I watched ANTM and it was good, I think I'm going to like this season but is it on the same time as Grey's Anatomy???

  3. Hey cowgirl! So long since i've been over here! You joined a hiphop class? I tried that awhile ago and had SO much fun. (looked like a nerd the whole time, but had a blast)
