Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Back From Vegas Baby!

Actually got back yesterday but got smacked down by a cold on the trip and was misreable yesterday.

Over all Vegas was a hoot and I think I've rediscovered my love for that city and will be going back.

So here's what happened:

Friday: Woke up at 1:45am and just chose to get up since my ride was coming at 3:45am. Wound up watching this Dudley Moore movie about Moses. I think I may hunt this movie down as it was quite entertaining.

Got to the airport at 4am ish and all was good. US Airways technically left on time but we sat there for awhile. Got to Vegas and rented the mini van and we were off to Luxor. Stopped off at the Buffet because by then our eating patterns were totally off. After that it was off to the first outlet mall on the South side. It was alright but after that 4 of the 6 went to the Premium Outlet on the North side and realized we should have started there. I bought 4 pairs of shoes. Two from Nine West for $39.99 and the second pair half off and two from Skechers for $49.99 and the second pair half off. Attempted to look for clothes but wasn't successful. Then it was back to the hotel for some supper and then to change and go look around at night.

On the first day I was up for 25 hours and running on pure adrenaline I think.


More shopping starting with the strip and a visit to the Sephora in the Venetian...I love that store. Then a trip back to the Premium outlet mall for a more thorough look. This was the LAX club night so we got back to the hotel just before 8 and everyone went to go get ready. Saw Brodie Jenner in the gift shop with his friends pointing out all the girls they new on the porno mags....Classy I tell ya...not. A line up had already started at LAX so everyone was speeding around. Got to the line at 9ish and stood there for 2 hours with one rum and coke that cost $10US. Watched all the size 2 wearing practically nothing girls get in fairly quickly when the club opened at 10pm. Watched guys pay $200 a head to get in plus cover. By 11Pm the deal was you can get in if you bought 4 bottles so that would only set you back $1200. It was ridiculous, A and I and our new found friend David got in just around then but we just paid cover $10 for the girls and $20 for David. So you walk up a flight of stairs that take you to this upholstered statue thing and the upper level where the bars appeared to be. David bought us drinks because we got him in so that was $11 for a rum and coke. The dance floor was on the lower level and packed to the extent that there was no space between people and I could feel body parts of other people that I didn't want to feel. The cast of the Hills was there and I saw the top of Christina Aguilera's head for 2 seconds. I have to say I wasn't that impressed. There was a lot of red drapes and candles, the music was old. If there had been an emergency there's no way anyone would have gotten out of there without getting crushed. I don't understand what tall the fuss was about. So the good part of that was that I know think the clubs at home aren't so bad. Was there about an hour and a half and then couldn't take anymore. One of our group went back with other friends at 2am and apparently it was less packed and Paris Hilton was there...whoopee I'm still not impressed.

I almost forgot...we got to see a sneak peak of the new Bionic Woman series. They were doing audience testing and technically we weren't allowed to participate being Canadian so we pretended we were from California. I liked it and am so looking forward to seeing it when it hits the air to see if they made any changes from the rough cut we saw.


Was more exploring in general on the strip and then we saw O that night. O was fantastic, I so want to find out more of how that set works.


Was lunch at P.F Chang's and then off to the airport.

Gambling wise Vegas won but I didn't lose a lot.

Shopping wise was one Coach bag and the four pairs of shoes mentioned above. Plus some odd and ends at Sephora.

The picture is of me at the Premium Outlet Mall posing as an exhausted shopper soaking my tired feet in the fountain. I'll post more pictures but I'm waiting for some our party to post them on facebook so I can get access. I'll definitely take a picture of the shoes :)

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