Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bon Jovi Night

Hi All,
First of all I need to stop promising stuff to you. The Mr. Potatoe Heads will be posted but last night I went to our company's stampede party, left early and came home to water my flower beds and then hit the hay. Had to tape BB8, thankgoodness I have tomorrow off to catch up on things like posting a picture and cleaning my house.

Tonight is the Bon Jovi concert I'm excited. First time I'll hit the grounds this Stampede. We've got reservations at a buffet so we can eat in a civilized manner and have a nice place to wait for the concert. However we'll have about an hour to roam around the grounds a bit. Maybe go on a couple of rides, watch the knick knack sale guys try to sell their wares, inhale the aroma of mini donuts and corn dogs...

I have to admit this week has gone to hell in a hand basket since that stampede party last Thursday. I think the whole city gains weight at this time of year. For sure I'll be getting a workout in on Thursday. Friday I only work until noon and have to go out for 3pm so maybe I'll go home get an hour walk in change and come back to earn a few aps. It will be so much easier to focus when Stampede is over. I'm heading out of town next week to my Dad's, I can't control the food but at least it's typically unrefined, unmodified food. I will be bringing my ipod and the C25K podcast so I can start that. Plus drink gallons of water. I'm bringing my yoga mat, so when Dad naps I'll yoga.

Hope everyone has a groovy day

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I think I am all caught up on the last month. You have been one busy little girl!
    The Stampede sounds like soooo much fun! What a great event!! How did you make out with Bon Jovi last night (I'm SOOO Jealous!!!) That would be an amazing concert. Enjoy yourself and then get back on track when the craziness settles. Hoping to see a talky blog soon AND pictures of the potato heads! :)
