Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What a workout!

Wowsers what a workout yesterday, I walked home from work which is 10K, the very last portion is a hike up the side of a cliff via semi contructed pathways and a whole lot of windy, uneven stairs. I thought I was going to live on the side of the cliff, I was wicked winded. I wasn't surprised that my energy was depleted but I had to stop a couple of times to get my breath. Smiling away as people passed me going down the cliff. Got home and made supper and then did 50min of yoga. I earned 9 activity points yesterday. I'm kind of proud of myself because it was also off and on raining but I didn't bail.

I find yoga after a run or long walk is an awesome way to stretch.

There were quite a few hotties on the pathway yesterday, they were all running. I should try to run more :)

I did get in all 8 guidelines so one day down.

Watched a bit of shear genius yesterday (we in Canada are behind in that show). I like it, I think the challenges are interesting.

Not to much exciting to report today, I do hope everyone has a great day!


  1. Um. 10K cliffhanging in the rain...and then yoga? Whoa!

    you go girl.

  2. Oh wow, that's a LOT of activity! Way to go!

    Also, I find runners to be very friendly! ;)

  3. WOOOHOOoooo !! Way to go on that workout.

    Just read yesterdays post, and that challenge sounds fab!! What a great way to get in the healthy mindset!!

    BTW you do not need a webcam to do the talky blog. Do you have a digital camera that takes movies?
    That's what I used at first, and then I uploaded to youtube.com

    Now I have a MAC and there is a camera built in to let me make movies. But ya if yo have a digital camera you can save yourself so money! :)

  4. Wow!! That is a ton of exercise! Good for you!! I keep saying I want to try yoga but haven't gotten around to it!
    You are going a fantastic job! Keep it up!
